

What is your burning desire for change this year? Tired of failing new year’s resolutions and looking for a proven way to manifest your wishlist

Culture Shock is defined as “the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture, way of life, or set

Many people associate yoga only with physical exercise, but it is so much more. Rooted in ancient philosophy, yoga offers modern-day practitioners benefits for all

Women in leadership is scientifically linked to greater productivity, collaboration, and collective intelligence. Yet, women’s advancement in the workforce and government is still undermined today

OCM is the process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of change to achieve a required business outcome. The change journey is circuitous and

With strong evidence of climate change, multidisciplinary players – industry, government, academia, NGO’s and consumers – must work together to solve the environmental crisis. The

Over a cocktail, my girlfriend recently asked “What is organizational change management anyway – I don’t quite understand it”. So let me break this down