ChatGPT and the Environment: The Potential to Destroy, Transform, and Create

ChatGPT is not revolutionary, but part of an evolution of AI-human interaction that began last century. The March launch of ChatGPT-4, the fastest-growing consumer application to date developed by Open AI, has everyone talking, worried and excited about AI.

Will it destroy jobs or boost productivity? Can we trust anything we see anymore or do we trust technology too much? There is no question that AI systems pose new dilemmas on top of existing risks such as worker exploitation, data theft, synthetic media, the concentration of power and social inequities. At the same time, the latest iteration of Generative AI and Large Language Models like ChatGPT holds vast potential to help us tackle our biggest problems. In the spirit of Earth Day, this blog looks at ChatGPT as a tool for unlocking climate change solutions. 

How do we solve climate change with AI?

This year’s theme for Earth Day (April 22) is “to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably).” The urgency to take action cannot be understated. The best science frighteningly affirms that climate change will have devastating consequences. To quote an ominous 2020 paper co-signed by more than 11,000 scientists from around the world, “planet Earth is facing a climate emergency” that, unless immediate and drastic action is taken, will bring about “untold suffering.”   

Leveraging AI to fight climate change is definitely bold and innovative, but we need to first identify the unintended consequences that could make implementation problematic. How could AI destroy the environment and how do we ensure that it will transform the way we take action and create? How can we balance the global needs for a stable environment, economic growth and humane technology? The key thing to remember is that AI machines have and will always require human intervention and controls if it is to benefit humanity and planetary health. For example, fine-tuning ChatGPT using human feedback is one way to “align” language models with human intent. 

AI could destroy…

Training chatGPT models requires a lot of computational power and thereby uses exorbitant amounts of energy powered by the public electricity grid and supported by back up diesel-powered generators. In fact, the use of AI technology across all sectors produces carbon dioxide emissions at a level comparable to the aviation industry. These additional emissions disproportionately impact historically marginalized communities who often live in heavily polluted areas and are more directly affected by the health hazards of pollution. As we continue to innovate to reduce the carbon footprint of cars, so must we address the energy crisis we face with the evolution of AI technology. 

AI will transform…

In general, AI can be a powerful tool to fight climate change. AI self-driving cars, for instance, may reduce emissions by 50 percent by 2050 by identifying the most efficient routes. ChatGPT has the potential to improve sustainable product design, detect dangerous patterns in weather or resource use, and maximize energy efficiency all to lessen greenhouse gas emissions and the effects of climate change. For example, to better manage energy resources, AI is enabling the power grid of the future with new features like digital twins of power plants, smart grid operations, and next-generation meters capable of controlling dynamic resources in real time. Bottom line, AI systems can analyze large and complex datasets, predicting trends based on past data and even uncovering connections between sources of information beyond human capacity.  

We can create…

Using AI will allow us to enter a new age of “Explosive Creativity.” Generative AI can suggest new and creative approaches for us to make scientific breakthroughs. It can generate new ideas and hypotheses and assist in designing experiments to test those hypotheses and in turn discover ways to protect the environment. It can produce persuasive arguments and data-driven insights for policy makers and the public around the need for climate change action. This of course addresses human centeredness or bridging the gap between human and machine for the benefit of both. 

As AI advances and applications rapidly progress, we also hope to see the creation of regulation that safeguards people’s rights and interests, including AI detection of truth, safety controls, and ethical standards. EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act is a step in that direction. Establishing such protocols around these powerful tools can ensure the explainability, safety, and security needed to ignite a new era of innovation and discovery! 


Perhaps ChatGPT sums it best when answering the questions: How can we use AI to fight climate change, and how do we solve climate change? 

“Overall, AI has the potential to play a significant role in the fight against climate change by helping us make more informed decisions and optimizing our use of resources. 

Ultimately, solving climate change will require a collective effort from governments, businesses, individuals, and communities around the world. By taking action and working together, we can mitigate the worst impacts of climate change and create a more sustainable future.”