How to Transform Your Organization in 2019

Realizing the benefits of any solution requires people to change.

Consider these 7 Important items you need to know about change for your organization to strive.

Understanding the following concepts will help your team not only adapt to constant change, but also to build resilience in the face of dynamic, complex and exponential changes of today’s world.

1. People matter most.

What good is any system, tool or process if people do not embrace it? The human side of change is even more significant as our world becomes increasingly digital and VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous). More than technology, humans will differentiate and define our future. Put the needs of each stakeholder – customer, employee, supplier, etc – at the center of designing your change solution.

2. Desire is the turning point.

Multiple models and theories point to desire as the number one “make or brake” of people adjusting to change. Similarly, you may have heard others say “find your why” to keep you motivated. Other factors such as awareness, commitment, self-belief and ability certainly make a difference, but unlocking one’s desire or “why” means unlocking behavioral patterns and deeply-rooted mindset. Help people to tap into their heart’s desire for them to want things to be different from how they are.

3. Flexibility within the framework.

Successful change is built on both a structured methodology and a “living and breathing” strategy of actions over time. As more organizations strive to embrace the agile framework, rapid iteration and experimentation will (thankfully!) replace traditional linear planning. Constant adaptation to a shifting landscape will also be needed to drive people usage and change adoption. Anticipate many moments when you’ll need to pivot a course of action and adjust the plan but stay consistent with an overarching framework.

4. Progress over perfection.

Small, micro steps (especially when sampling and testing aspects of the agile solution) and just in time delivery is way better than striving for a perfect solution that does not exist in reality. The magic of orchestrating change is moving what you can control forward with good intention and incorporating your learning along the way. Every failure is actually a step in the right direction! Continually iterate and align the delivery of your solution to what is needed at that point and place in time.

5. Feedback is golden.

Leaders will often invest in a solution or make a decision without fully recognizing the human consequence. Involving those impacted early and regularly through feedback loops, surveys and observation to guide development of the solution. For people, introspective type feedback like 360 degree feedback provides in-depth, highly personalized yet actionable feedback that unlocks leadership potential. Empower those impacted and create regular feedback loops to effectively transform both solutions and human potential.

6. Integrate, integrate, integrate.

The incorporation of change management into conventional project plans and organizational objectives is crucial for synchronizing all of the moving pieces around goals, timing, resources, etc. Just as you have probably experienced a seamless service enabled by integrated technology (think PayPal integrated with Facebook), strive to integrate your change efforts with the surrounding environment and conditions. Think end-to-end touchpoints whether you are combining efforts across projects, functions, cultures, transactions or systems.

7. Everyone leads change.

Prosci research shows that the #1 reason for change failure is lack of sponsorship or the leadership to align stakeholders to support and own the change. McKinsey research further substantiates that employees leading the effort rather than following increases change success by 5x. People do not want change forced upon them, but would rather have a voice in creating their own future. As organizations continue to flatten, everyone from the bottom up is invited to lead change through influence, credibility and charisma.